Supporting Candidates Who Support Public Education

Our top priority is supporting candidates who support public education and uphold the core values of our organization. All candidates for Virginia Beach School Board and, at the discretion of VBEA PACE leadership Virginia Beach City Council, are invited and encouraged to complete a questionnaire and be interviewed to be considered for endorsement by the Virginia Beach Education Association Political Action Committee of Educators (VBEA PACE). The interview team recommends candidates for endorsement to VBEA PACE members who vote on endorsements. All members of the VBEA have the opportunity to be members of VBEA PACE by donating to VBEA PACE.

The Virginia Beach Education Association Political Action Committee of Educators (VBEA-PACE) does not endorse offices other than Virginia Beach City Council or the Virginia Beach School Board. Endorsements for the Virginia House of Delegates, Virginia Senate, or statewide elected offices are made in conjunction with the VEA Fund for Children and Public Education, the political action committee of the Virginia Education Association.

We are currently working through the endorsement process for 2024 School Board candidates. 

2023 VEA Fund for Children Endorsed Candidate

Aaron Rouse

7th District

Michael Feggans

97th District

Kelly Fowler

96th District

Please Support Outstanding Candidates for Public Education